Ryan Budney (University of Victoria, Canada / MPI Bonn, Niemcy), Topology and algorithms: some new prospects

Oddział Warszawski
czw, 2013-12-05 16:15

Oddział Warszawski Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego, Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i Międzynarodowe Centrum Matematyczne im. Stefana Banacha.

W dniu 5 grudnia 2013 roku (czwartek) o godzinie 16:15 w sali 2180 budynku Wydziału Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego przy ul. Banacha 2 (wejście od ul. Pasteura)

Prof. Ryan Budney (University of Victoria, Canada / MPI Bonn, Niemcy)



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Streszczenie wykładu:

Geometry and topology are full of structures that are frequently too big to easily manipulate on a pad of paper, yet small enough that computers can readily handle them. Hyperbolic 3-manifolds provide a stunning example of this. My talk will concern algorithms in topology, and how they are increasingly capable of attacking more interesting and compelling problems, some from outside of topology itself. Persistent homology is one of these new tools. It is a fairly young idea, with the intent of being useful in statistics, particularly the study of large data sets. I will describe some experiments in this field, as well as some basic open problems. I'll also describe how some of these algorithmics can be turned inward, to construct, for example, a „knot table” for knots in 4-dimensional space, analogous to the Tait-Little knot table.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ryan Budney

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