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Odczyt prof. Thuong Ton-That pt. "Invariant Differential Operators on Homogeneous Manifolds"
Oddział Łódzki
czw, 2008-06-26 09:30
Informuje, że w czwartek, 26 czerca br. o godz.9:30,
prof. Tuong Ton-That z Iowa University, USA
wygłosi odczyt (streszczenie poniżej):
Invariant Differential Operators on Homogeneous Manifolds
Odczyt odbedzie sie w sali A 407 w gmachu Wydziału Matematyki i Informatyki UŁ w Łodzi przy ul. Banacha 22
Antoni Pierzchalski
prezes OŁ PTM
*Abstract. *Let *M* be an analytic manifold. Let *G* and *G'* be
connected Lie groups. Assume that *G *and *G' *are global transformation
groups on *M*. Denote the action of *G*( resp. *G'*) on *M* by
*[r(g)](x)=x.g*, (resp. *[l(g')](x)= g'.x ,* for *x* in *M*, *g *in
*G*, and *g'* in *G'*, and call it the /right action /(resp./left
action/).We also make the following assumptions: *G* acts
/transitively/ on *M*, *G' *acts /freely/ and /properly /on *M*, and
the two actions commute. An analytic differential operator *D* on *M
*is called /right-invariant /(resp. /left-invariant/) if it commutes
with the right (resp. left) action. We study the algebras of analytic
differential operators invariant under the right, left, and joint
actions and the relationship between them. Many examples are given ;
amongst the manifolds *M* considered are Stiefel and Grassmann
manifolds. Applications in Physics include computations of /Casimir operators/.