Członkostwo Wydarzenia Nagrody i konkursy Nagrody główne PTM Nagroda dla młodych matematyków Międzynarodowa nagroda im. Stefana Banacha Konkursy studenckie Konkurs im. Witolda Wilkosza na najlepszą studencką pracę popularyzującą matematykę Konkurs prac studenckich z matematyki im. Józefa Marcinkiewicza Konkurs prac studenckich z rachunku prawdopodobieństwa i zastosowań matematyki Konkurs im. A. Z. Krygowskiej na najlepszą pracę studencką z dydaktyki matematyki
Inne konkursy Regulaminy
Galeria Wydawnictwa Wyszukiwanie e-płatności
Payments instruction
Polish Mathematical Society Regulations for Reception of Payments by Electronic Means (refers to activities defined in the Charter of the Society)
§ 1
- These Regulations specify the terms and conditions for the reception of payments, related to the activities defined in the Charter of the Polish Mathematical Society (called hereinafter the PTM), when using Internet sites owned by the PTM.
- These Terms and Conditions shall be considered as regulations pursuant to art. 8 of the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means, of July 18th, 2002.
§ 2
The PTM accepts electronically annual and one-time membership fees and other charges related to its activities according to the Statues of the PTM. The amounts of the membership fees are specified by the Assembly of Delegates of the PTM.
§ 3
Services provided by the PTM by electronic means can be executed correctly provided that the telecommunications and EDP system of the payer meets the following minimum technical requirements: it uses Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or Internet Explorer 6.0 or more recent browsers with JavaScript enabled.
The PTM is not responsible for technical problems or limitations occurring on the hardware of the user, which might inhibit the use of services specified in § 2.
Any action taken by the payer, using Internet sites owned by the PTM, should
comply with applicable laws.
§ 4
All complaints and inquires concerning charges of membership fees paid to the PTM by electronic means shall be directed to and, in cases of different type of payments to the address indicated on appropriate website.
A complaint should include the first name, the surname and a detailed address of the complaining party, as well as a detailed description and the reason for submitting the complaint.
Complaints shall be considered by the PTM immediately, in the order in which they are received.
The person submitting a complaint shall be notified on the manner of considering the complaint in the same way in which the complaint was delivered, at the address specified in the complaint.
§ 5
Any refunds of payments made by electronic means will be realized after deducting the costs incurred by the PTM or in full in the event that the return is due to causes on the PTM side.
§ 6
When making payment the payer agrees to the necessary processing and use of his or hers personal data .
§ 7
All controversies resulting from payments using Internet sites owned by PTM pursuant to these Regulations shall be subjected by the Parties to the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
The Polish Mathematical Society collects and processes your personal data for purposes related to the handling of issues related to membership, in particular, membership fees or other charges and the issuance of appropriate documents confirming such payments.
Providing the PTM with your personal data takes place on an entirely voluntary basis.
All members of PTM and all payers are entitled to unrestricted access to their personal data as well as their amendments. To this end you need to contact or email address indicated on the website related to a particular activity.
All personal data entrusted to the Polish Mathematical Society is subject to processing and protection in compliance with international standards and the Act on the Protection of Personal Data passed on 29 August 1997.
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
ul. Śniadeckich 8
00-956 Warszawa, Poland
tel. +48 22 522 8146
NIP: 526 12 86 274
REGON: 000804052
KRS: 0000042305
Bank data:
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.
(name of the bank)
66 Oddział w Warszawie
(branch of the bank)
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 2
PL-00-030 Warsaw
Bank account number:
98 1500 1777 1217 7008 4349 0000
IBAN: PL 98 1500 1777 1217 7008 4349 0000